Animal Welfare
The welfare of our animals is of paramount importance to CPC and our people.
Our people are responsible for the welfare of our animals.
CPC strives to continually improve and promote the standards of animal welfare whilst animals are on our properties and when they are in the care and ownership of others up to the point of slaughter.
CPC applies the principles of low stress stock handling and regularly provides instruction and training to employees in these methods.
CPC cattle have access to sufficient food, supplements and water and every effort is taken to protect our animals from disease and predators.
CPC engages expert veterinarians and management to ensure that all endeavours are used to keep its cattle free from stress, disease and illness.
CPC at all times at least meets the minimum requirements of the Codes of Practice and Regulations for the Management and Transport of Animals for both land and sea.
CPC believes there is an ethical imperative of care extending beyond the change in legal titles of its animals. CPC works closely with the Australian and Indonesian Governments, our customers and with our joint venture partner in Indonesia to ensure acceptable standards of animal welfare are in place.
CPC reserves the right to inspect our customers facilities where CPC cattle are transported, managed and slaughtered and withhold supply if, in the company's absolute discretion, we are not satisfied with the standards under which CPC animals are cared for.
CPC supports all steps designed to eliminate the inhumane and cruel treatment of animals.